Welcome to FireRust
From The Ashes We Will Rise

Visit StoreRules
Using any form of cheats, mods, scripts, or exploits is not allowed.
Any form of racism, hate speech, or extreme toxicity is not allowed.
When using signs, no pornographic or racist pictures are allowed.
Frequently Asked Questions
All servers wipe on Thursdays at 16:00 CET (except on force wipe).
Map Wipes:
The Vanilla server will map wipe biweekly The Primitive server will map wipe monthly (force wipe) The 2x server will map wipe weekly The 10x server will map wipe biweekly
Full (Blueprint) Wipes:
The Vanilla server will full wipe monthly (force wipe) The Primitive server will full wipe monthly (force wipe) The 2x server will full wipe biweekly The 10x server will full wipe biweekly
Map Wipes:
Full (Blueprint) Wipes:
The best way to report someone or something is to get in contact with us.
This can be done one of two ways:
You can open a ticket through our Discord. You can type /report in game chat.
Always remember to F7 report someone you suspect of cheating.
This can be done one of two ways:
Always remember to F7 report someone you suspect of cheating.
You can link your Discord and Steam account to get rewards such as:Extra Economics on the 10x VIP Giveaways Playtime Roles in Discord And More! To link your account, run the /link command in game on the 2x or 10x server.
Once you link on one server, you are automatically linked on the other.
Once you link on one server, you are automatically linked on the other.
If you have any suggestions to help improve the server, you can drop them in the #suggestions channel in our Discord.


